2009年2月25日 星期三

Criterion in Translation

I. English ---- Mandarin

Cognitive Models of Learning
Cognitive models views learning as an active. Dynamic, process in which learners select from incoming information, encode it into long-term memory, and retrieve it when needed. Cognitive theorists generally postulate two types of knowledge stores in long-term memory.
1. Declarative knowledge, which consists of information that know about, such as facts, believes, and events; and
2. Procedural knowledge, which is knowledge of how to perform skills and processes, such as reading, writing, math computation, and conducting science experiments.
This distinction is important because declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge are learned differently and should therefore be taught in different ways.

These cognitive learning models shed light on how learning strategies work: information processing, schema theory and Constructivism. These models support both the importance of learning strategies and the goal of helping students become independent learners.

Information Processing
Information processing theory examines the thinking processes associated with learning and remembering. These processes involve routine information from a person's immediate awareness into that persons' long-term memory. The theory suggests that learning requires processing new information by organizing it, elaborating on it, and connecting it with existing knowledge. This is precisely the purpose of cognitive strategies such as summarizing , differencing, and predicting.

Another critical component in information processing is metacognition, the “executive control” over thinking processes. The components of metacognition include both declarative knowledge about m one’s thinking processes and learning strategies as well as procedural knowledge about how to monitor and direct learning and thinking.
Schema Theory:Schema theory suggests that learning occurs as we try to organize and understand life experience according to our pre-existing knowledge. This pre-existing knowledge is stored in organized structures called schemata, which can be thought of a concept maps” of a central concept and its associated ides. Schemata can also be “scripts” for specific situations. Fro example, most of us have a schema for what will happen when we go to a fast-food restaurant. Having a schema, or relevant prior knowledge, allows us to make a predications, visualize events, draw inferences, monitoring comprehension, and create summaries.
Constructivism:Constructivism goes a step beyond schema theory by suggesting a more interactive relationship between new information and existing knowledge. According to this theory, learners actively construct meaning as they encounter new information. Learners use their background knowledge of w the world as an initial frame for relating to new information. They than use cognitive strategies as tools to help build meaning from the new information and from their background knowledge.

II. Mandarin ---- English

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Will

余致力國民革命,凡四十年,其目的在求中國之自由平等。積四十年之經驗,深知欲達到此目的,必須喚起民眾及聯合世界上以平等待我之民族,共同奮鬥。 現在革命尚未成功,凡我同志,務須依照余所著建國方略、建國大綱、三民主義及第一次全國代表大會宣言,繼續努力,以求貫徹。最近主張開國民會議及廢除不平等條約,尤須於最短期間,促其實現,是所至囑.

9 個意見:

Blogger Unknown 提到...

To proceed liberty and equality of China, I'm struggling at the Civil Revolution about forty years. According to my own experience, if we want to achieve this goal, we must wake up our people and unionize the civilations who are equally treat us. Now, the revolution isn't sussess, all of the member of this revolution must go on to get through the sprite of my thought by the book "a constructive scheme for our country", "a summare for our country", "Three Principles of the People" and "the first civil meeting's announcement". Nowadays, I claim that holding the Citizen's Meeting and abolishing the unequal treatys, we have to achieve in short times. It is my will.

2009年3月4日 下午4:34  
Blogger Anderson 提到...


1. 在敘述的知識中包含一些事實、以及看法或事件;
2. 程序的知識,是有關於如何完成事項的技巧及過程,像是閱讀、寫作、數學計算以及科學實驗。




基模理論: 基模理論建議以現有的知識組織及瞭解生活經驗,這些現有的知識儲存在經過組織的構造中,稱作"背景知識"可以想成中心思想的概念。
背景知識也可以是特定情況的"腳本" 比如說: 我們大部分都知道進速食店會發生什麼事情,有了背景知識或預先知道的知識,讓我們做出預測。 假設事件、想像情況、掌握理解力,及想像出概論。

2009年3月8日 凌晨4:48  
Blogger Anderson 提到...

To achive the destinaton of a national revolution We've devoted for forties year, To accumulate the goal, I considered deeply that it's necessary to arouse the multitude and the nations who treat us equaly, and strive together. But the revolution is not secced yet, all the comrades must to follow the constructive scheme for our country, the skeleton for our country, the Three Principles of People, and the declarations of the first time citizen conference that I have drawn up,we ought to implement bycontinue efforting, Holding a citizen confernce and abolish the unequal treaties are proposed, we have to attain it in shortest time, that's all my advices and urges.

2009年3月8日 上午8:46  
Blogger alibudala 提到...

I devote my efforts to country revolution. During past forty years, the purpose of revolution is pursuing the country’s freedom and equality in the world. I find that it must inspire our people and unite the world to treat us equally to achieve the destination rely on my 40 year experience. Now the revolution still has a long way to go. The people keep striving hard in according with plans for national reconstruction、 fundamentals of national reconstruction brief, three principles of the people and the first countrywide representation announcement. What my most concern is making it come true that hold the civil meeting and abolish the unequal treaty inequality as possible as quickly.

2009年3月11日 下午5:13  
Blogger nai-yuen 提到...

For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the National Revolution with but one end in view, the elevation of China to a position of freedom and equality among the nations. My experiences during these forty years have firmly convinced me that to attain this goal we must bring about a thorough awakening of our own people and ally ourselves in a common struggle with those peoples of the world who treat us on the basis of equality.

The work of the Revolution is not yet done. Let all our comrades fellow my Plans for National reconstruction, Fundamentals of National Reconstruction, Three Principles of the People, and The Manifesto of the First National Convention of the Kuomingtang, and strive on for their consummation. Above all, our recent declarations in favor of the convocation of a National Convention and the abolition of unequal treaties should be carried into effect with the least possible delay. This is my heartfelt charge to you.

2009年3月11日 下午5:36  
Blogger swater 提到...

I have done democratic revolution to pursue
the liberty and peace of Republic Of China for fourty years.

According to the fourty-year-experience, if want to achieve the goal, we have to reminder the chinese and union the people that treating us with equality to finish the wish.

now, the revolution still not finished, the people who are my staff all must have to obey General plan for national reconstruction,Founding of the nation program,
Three People's principles of Sun Yat-sen, and The First National People's Congress Manifesto, and keep going to achieve the mission.

Recently, we have to have National conference and abolish Unequal treaty for finishing the revolution with the fastest speed.

2009年3月11日 下午5:41  
Blogger Unknown 提到...

I devote the country revolution. For fourty years,its goal is asking freedom of equality the Chinese. Accumulates 40 year experience, fully realized that wants to serve this purpose, must arouse the masses and unite in the world to treat me by the equality the nationality, struggles together. Now revolutionizes not yet succeeds, every my comrade, must defer to -odd institute general plan for national reconstruction, the founding of the nation program, the Three People's Principles of Sun Yat-sen and the first National People's Congress manifesto, continues to try hard, implements in order. Recently advocated that the founding people conference and abolishes the treaty of equality, must in the shortest period, presses it to realize, is to enjoins.

2009年3月11日 下午5:47  
Blogger Unknown 提到...

For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the National Revolution with one end in view, the elevation of China to a position of free and equality .My experiences for forty years,I know this goal we must bring about a thorough awakening of our own people and ally ourselves in a common struggle with those peoples of the world who treat us on the basis of equality.

The work of the Revolution is not yet done. Let all our comrades fellow my Plans for National reconstruction, Fundamentals of National Reconstruction, Three Principles of the People, and The Manifesto of the First National Convention of the Kuomingtang, and strive on for their consummation. Above all, our recent declarations in favor of the convocation of a National Convention and the abolition of unequal treaties should be carried into effect with the least possible delay. This is my heart charge to you.

2009年3月11日 下午5:55  
Blogger 鴻鈞 提到...

I devote to Civil Revolution for chinese peace and freedom for 40 years.According to my 40 years experience,if we want to achieve the goal,we must wake up civil and united world who treat us of equality.Now revolution is not success,we have to go on by "a constructive scheme for our country", "a summare for our country", "Three Principles of the People" and "the first civil meeting's announcement".
In recently,we claim for build up civil meeting announcement and abolish the unequal treaty as possible as fast.

2009年3月11日 下午5:57  


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