2009年4月22日 星期三

Learn Trend in Earth Day

2009年3月18日 星期三

The Girl from Paris夢想起飛的季節

Movie Reviewed by Jason Best : The Girl From Paris (Une Hirondele a Fait le Printemps) (2002)

Thirty-year-old Sandrine (Seigner), the heroine of "The Girl From Paris", is just such a dreamer and at the start of Christian Carion's film, she quits her computer job in the city to become a farmer in south-east France.
Sandrine buys a remote mountain farm in the Rhone-Alpes from elderly widower Adrien (Serrault), who has lost his livelihood to mad cow disease. But the grumpy, childless Adrien plans to remain in the farmhouse as a tenant for a year, which places the newcomer in an awkward situation.
At first, Adrien scoffs at Sandrine's innovations on the farm, which include promoting ecological holidays on the Internet and welcoming coach-loads of schoolchildren. But Adrien's scepticism turns to grudging admiration for Sandrine's pragmatism and resilience, and, as winter comes, the pair's frosty relationship gradually thaws.
Sandrine doesn't find a country idyll, however. First-time director Carion isn't serving up simple escapism. As the son of farmers, he has a clear-eyed and unsentimental view of rural life. True, he does give us soaring shots of beautiful mountain pastures, but he also shows us the harsh realities of farming in unflinching close up.
Veteran actor Serrault and rising newcomer Seigner (last seen in a very different role as the working-class mother in "Betty Fisher and Other Stories") pitch their performances perfectly, skilfully underplaying to match Carion's understated direction. As a result, their characters' evolving, surrogate father-daughter relationship is believable and touching.
After seeing "The Girl from Paris", viewers may well feel the desire to jump on a plane and move to the Rhone-Alpes. But unless you're are made of stern stuff, you'll soon be scurrying back to Blighty. In French with English subtitles.
What is life? Mercy 慈悲/ Wisdom智慧 /Courage 勇氣 What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Is there a God or isn’t there, and if there is a God, what is its nature? Of all the world’s religions, which one is the most correct? Is there an afterlife? Are we primarily physical beings or spiritual beings?
I. What did you learn from it? What is the life points in the movie?
II. Can you exemplify such a touching movie by your practical lives?

2009年3月4日 星期三

Runway Incursion 飛機進場對話

Aviation English in ESP

I. A second hotspot is taxiway E as we approach from taxiway C en route to runway 22R. The signage is confusing, and a blast fence blocks the view of the end the runway. Aircraft taxiing to 22R via C often turn too soon and end up on taxiway E. This can mean a very long taxi behind 22R.
II. A second problem area is taxiway Z crossing runway 13R/ 31 R. A right turn is required when crossing 13R to taxiway Z on the opposite side. There are two taxi lines learning across. If you follow the wrong one, you could end up with a conflict with arrival traffic on runway 14R. in this situation, advise ATC immediately and get off the runway as quickly as possible.
III. A third area of concern is using Juliet to transition form A to B south-eastbound. Aircraft outbound from K and KK may sometimes be issued the instruction “Taxi left A. At J, transition to B." It’s very important note to miss the turn onto B, because J leads across runway 22R.

IV. Runway Incursion Presentation

2009年2月25日 星期三

Criterion in Translation

I. English ---- Mandarin

Cognitive Models of Learning
Cognitive models views learning as an active. Dynamic, process in which learners select from incoming information, encode it into long-term memory, and retrieve it when needed. Cognitive theorists generally postulate two types of knowledge stores in long-term memory.
1. Declarative knowledge, which consists of information that know about, such as facts, believes, and events; and
2. Procedural knowledge, which is knowledge of how to perform skills and processes, such as reading, writing, math computation, and conducting science experiments.
This distinction is important because declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge are learned differently and should therefore be taught in different ways.

These cognitive learning models shed light on how learning strategies work: information processing, schema theory and Constructivism. These models support both the importance of learning strategies and the goal of helping students become independent learners.

Information Processing
Information processing theory examines the thinking processes associated with learning and remembering. These processes involve routine information from a person's immediate awareness into that persons' long-term memory. The theory suggests that learning requires processing new information by organizing it, elaborating on it, and connecting it with existing knowledge. This is precisely the purpose of cognitive strategies such as summarizing , differencing, and predicting.

Another critical component in information processing is metacognition, the “executive control” over thinking processes. The components of metacognition include both declarative knowledge about m one’s thinking processes and learning strategies as well as procedural knowledge about how to monitor and direct learning and thinking.
Schema Theory:Schema theory suggests that learning occurs as we try to organize and understand life experience according to our pre-existing knowledge. This pre-existing knowledge is stored in organized structures called schemata, which can be thought of a concept maps” of a central concept and its associated ides. Schemata can also be “scripts” for specific situations. Fro example, most of us have a schema for what will happen when we go to a fast-food restaurant. Having a schema, or relevant prior knowledge, allows us to make a predications, visualize events, draw inferences, monitoring comprehension, and create summaries.
Constructivism:Constructivism goes a step beyond schema theory by suggesting a more interactive relationship between new information and existing knowledge. According to this theory, learners actively construct meaning as they encounter new information. Learners use their background knowledge of w the world as an initial frame for relating to new information. They than use cognitive strategies as tools to help build meaning from the new information and from their background knowledge.

II. Mandarin ---- English

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Will

余致力國民革命,凡四十年,其目的在求中國之自由平等。積四十年之經驗,深知欲達到此目的,必須喚起民眾及聯合世界上以平等待我之民族,共同奮鬥。 現在革命尚未成功,凡我同志,務須依照余所著建國方略、建國大綱、三民主義及第一次全國代表大會宣言,繼續努力,以求貫徹。最近主張開國民會議及廢除不平等條約,尤須於最短期間,促其實現,是所至囑.

Online Resources with Bilingual Interpretation

2009年2月17日 星期二

Mandarin-English Aviation Corpus

I. Why is important in Aviation between pilot and controller?

II. Prevention on the Lost Communication in Aviation!

III. Aviation English

IV. Comparison of English-Mandarin Pattern

人們用語言表達思想時,總是要涉及到意義的正與反,肯定與否定兩個方面。每種語言都有它自己一套表 達否定意義的形式和方法。對中國學生來說,用not, never等詞平鋪直敍的否定,不難接受,也不易造成誤解。 但是對暗含的否定,雙重否定和重複否定等各種否定的變異形式就不那麼習慣,常常是讀之不解其意,用則容 易失誤。為了要正確透徹地理解否定語句的內在含意,有必要瞭解英語否定意義的各種表達方式及其特點。為 此,本文就英語否定的幾種表達方式彼此間的差別,以及某些混合交替,互相轉化的現象進行對比和闡述。

一、一般否定與特指否定 英語中根據否定物件和否定範圍的不同,可以分為一般否定和特指否定。這兩類否定各自的特點是多方面 的。

1.否定範圍不同 一般否定是英語中表達否定意義的最常用的方法,通常用否定詞not來否定謂語動詞,謂語被否定,全句的 意義也就被否定。例如: It was not (wasn't)so. Don't talk rot. 特指否定是對謂語以外的成分加以否定,這種否定只涉及到句子的某個成分。否定詞not必須放在被否定的 成分面前。例如: I am ashamed of not knowing it. Not having heard from him,I wrote again. 在否定句中,否定詞的位置不同,被否定的成分也就不同,並且關係到該否定句是特指否定,還是一般否 定。比較下列句子: We told him not to go.(特指否定) We didn't tell him to go.(一般否定) not的位置不同可導致意義的差別。當not用來否定謂語動詞時,構成“一般否定”,即否定全句;當not用 來否定後面不定式時,則構成“特指否定”,只起到局部否定的作用。但是,在appear,expect,happen,inten d,plan,seem,tend,want,wish等動詞後面跟不定式時,如果要構成否定語句,否定詞not既可以置於這些動詞之 前,也可以置於後面不定式之前,意義完全相同。例如: She does not appear to appreciate my explanation.=She appears notto appreciate my explanati on. They seemed not to notice me.=They did not seem to notice me. 在非正式文體中,not往往置於這類謂語動詞之前。 no在句首時,由於否定範圍大小不同,也會出現特指否定和一般否定兩種情況: No two persons think alike.(沒有兩人想法是一樣的。) No news is good news.(沒有消息便是好消息。) 第一句中,no的否定範圍擴大到全句,整個句子的意思被否定了,應屬於一般否定。但第二句中的no,僅 限於否定主語,是特指否定。有時,同是一個句子,孤立地去理解字面意義會產生歧義。例如: No work will kill him.(什麼工作都壓不垮他。) No work will kill him。(不做工作就會把他折磨死。) 第一句用降升調處理,no的否定範圍擴大到全句,屬一般否定;第二句用升降調處理,no只否定主語,屬 特指否定。究竟該取何種意義,則取決於上下文和語調。

2.語法特點不同 在一般否定句中通常不用also,still,already,而必須用(not)yet,neither(或not…either):但在特指 否定句卻可以使用。如: He was still not a brilliant controversialist. You behave as if you were married to her already.You are not married to her already,…… 有時,特指否定句和一般否定句可以相互轉換,意義彼此相同,但某些詞語必須作相應的改變。比較下列 各組例句,A句是特指否定,B句是一般否定: A:We saw nothing yesterday. B:We didn't see anything yesterday. A:He is no longer our friend. B:He isn't our friend any longer. A:I could recite neither this poem nor this story. B:I couldn't recite either this poem or this story.

3.特指否定與一般否定的某些混合與交替現象 有些句子形式上是特指否定,可是意思上卻是一般否定。例如: Oliver stopped to make no reply.(=Oliver did not stop to make a (any)reply.) 相反,有時形式上雖是一般否定,但意思上卻是特指否定。例如: He did not come to work by bus.(=He came to work not by bus.) 應當說明,這類句子用一般否定是正常的,特指否定常常只有在對照時才使用: He came to work not by bus,but on foot. 二、完全否定與部分否定 在英語中,根據否定的程度大小,可確定其是完全否定,還是部分否定。

(1)完全否定是百分之百地否認一個事物的存在、成立或真實性。表示完全否定的否定詞有no,not,nothi ng,nobody,none,nowhere,never,neither,nor,nowise等,例如: Nothing ever pleases her. My pen is nowhere to be seen. 用 not+any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere/either 或not+half也 可表示完全否定(=not at all),通常在口語中使用。例如: I don't like either of the films. You don't mean half what you are saying. 帶否定詞綴的詞,也可表示完全否定: Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. All the problems remained unsettled.

(2)部分否定通常由not+all/both/each/everybody/everything等來表達。例如: NOt all he said was to the point. Not everybody can do the same. 但部分否定並不總是用這種方式表達,有時也以一般否定句的形式出現,即把否定主語的not與謂語動詞放 在一起。例如: All is not gold that glisters. not也可以對某些狀語、賓語作部分否定: The rules don't apply to all cases. I don't wholly agree with you. 部分否定也可以是對較大數量或較大程度的否定。因此,可以用not+many/much/very much/some來表示部 分否定。例如: There are not many books on the shelf. His behaviour does not accord with his principle very much. 此外英語中有一種介於完全否定和部分否定之間的“否定”,即基本否定。所謂基本否定就是在語氣上將 否定物件基本上否定,即百分之九十以上否定,肯定部分僅占很小部分。 比較:Nobody believes that.(完全否定) Hardly anybody believes that.(基本否定) Not all the people believe that.(部分否定) 基本否定的表達方式主要是用不完全否定詞hardly,scarcely,rarely,barely,seldom,few,little等,來表 達否定意義。這些詞很接近never,not,no,none等詞,不過語氣較弱,而且在否定意義上留有餘地,不象never ,no等詞那樣絕對。

三、雙重否定與重複否定 在英語否定句中,有時否定不止一次,可能否定兩次或兩次以上。在這種情況下,必須分清是雙重否定, 還是重複否定。因為,這兩種否定在語義上有著根本區別,反映出說話人兩種不同的語言心理和思維方式。

1.雙重否定是指兩個否定成分限定同一個詞或詞素;或是一個否定詞否定另一個否定詞,取得肯定意義 的表達形式。否定之否定成為肯定,這是合乎邏輯的。表達雙重否定的形式有三種。 (1)把否定詞not放在帶有否定首碼的單詞前面: He was not unable to do the job by himself. Apparently he was not displeased with my answer. 這類雙重否定形式,是一種委婉說法,削弱了句子意義,語氣通常比單純的肯定句弱。

(2)將not和without+名語連用,用not去否定without+名詞,一般作狀語: I have brought back your man—not without risk and danger. He replied,not without hesitation,that he was ready to go.相反,用cannot+行為動詞跟without+ 名詞或動名詞連用,其語氣不是減弱而是加強了。否定詞也可以是no,never,或用not(not)跟but連用。例如: We cannot live without air. I couldn't but laugh when I heard such a story.

(3)用否定詞來否定含有否定意義的謂語動詞。例如: They do not deny that their work leaves much to be desired. We shall not fail to help you when necessary. not/never/none跟too搭配,也屬雙重否定,too暗含否定意義。例如: We cannot work too much for the people.(為人民服務的工作做得越多越好。) You arrived none too early.(你到得不算太早。) 此外,還可以用否定跟含否定意義的連接詞unless,until,but等詞連用,構成雙重否定;句型too…not t o+動詞原形,也可以說是一種雙重否定,用來表示強烈的肯定。Jesperson說得好:“語言有它自己的邏輯, 在這裏語言邏輯有其可取之處。只要兩個否定詞指的確實是同一個概念或同一個詞(作為特殊否定),結果總 是肯定的。任何語言概不例外。”

2.重複否定是由兩個或更多的否定詞,接二連三地用在一起而形成的。有時,否定句中本來應該用不定 詞,卻用了否定詞,結果形成了多次否定。重複否定是一種強調否定,不象雙重否定那樣,以一個否定詞,抵 消了另一個否定詞的否定意義,使之轉化為肯定。所以雙重否定的含義是肯定的,而重複否定的意義,無論重 複否定多少次,意義總是否定的。例如: I won't trouble nobody about nothing no more. No bread,no butter,no cheese,no nothing. 例句中重複出現的否定詞均起強調否定語氣的作用,讀者不能用雙重否定的規則來理解這類句子。這種重 複否定在很多語言中都十分常見,在標準英語中被視為是不合規則的,但英美人常如此使用也就約定俗成了。 這種用法也常出自某些文學家之筆。例如: I can't do nothing without my staff.—Hardy You won't lose nothing by it.—Herrick You ain't never mind to let my things alone no more.—Mansfield 此外,與雙重否定和重複否定相似的有多項否定和延續否定。這兩種否定必須引起注意,務必跟上述兩種 否定區別開來。多項否定是指前面有一項否定,後面接著又有一項或幾項否定: He can't do it,nor can I,nor can you,nor can anybody. In old China there was hardly any machine—building industry,to say nothing of an aviation i ndustry. 延續否定則是一個否定概念在句中得到多次重複(用相同方式或不同方式)。其目的是為了更明確地表達 否定意思,它既不是雙重否定,也不是重複否定。在否定句後加一些具體的內容加以否定,以補充強調前面的 否定。它有三種表達形式:

(1)一個或多個意義相近的否定詞,在句中重複出現。 Oh,not now,not now. None of them is not ready;not one.

(2)在否定句後,延續否定詞放在一個狀語短語或狀語從句前。 He wouldn't come to your house,not even the king himself should ask him to. I begged him not marry the girl yet……not at least until he had known her for a longer time .

(3)有時延續否定詞也放在另一個句子裏,用兩個否定句來否定同一個對象。 I haven't taken your umbrella;nor have I seen it. We don't like idling.We never will. 從以上對英語各類否定的對比中,可以看出英語否定意義與表達形式的多樣性與複雜性。因此,我們在英 語學習中,對否定語句的理解不能停留在表層結構而望文生義,應該根據英語否定意義及其表達形式的規律, 從深層把握其確切含意--- Adapted from the website, http://www.lwlm.com/html/2005-05/12832.htmhttp://www.lwlm.com/html/2005-05/12832.htm.