2009年3月18日 星期三

The Girl from Paris夢想起飛的季節

Movie Reviewed by Jason Best : The Girl From Paris (Une Hirondele a Fait le Printemps) (2002)

Thirty-year-old Sandrine (Seigner), the heroine of "The Girl From Paris", is just such a dreamer and at the start of Christian Carion's film, she quits her computer job in the city to become a farmer in south-east France.
Sandrine buys a remote mountain farm in the Rhone-Alpes from elderly widower Adrien (Serrault), who has lost his livelihood to mad cow disease. But the grumpy, childless Adrien plans to remain in the farmhouse as a tenant for a year, which places the newcomer in an awkward situation.
At first, Adrien scoffs at Sandrine's innovations on the farm, which include promoting ecological holidays on the Internet and welcoming coach-loads of schoolchildren. But Adrien's scepticism turns to grudging admiration for Sandrine's pragmatism and resilience, and, as winter comes, the pair's frosty relationship gradually thaws.
Sandrine doesn't find a country idyll, however. First-time director Carion isn't serving up simple escapism. As the son of farmers, he has a clear-eyed and unsentimental view of rural life. True, he does give us soaring shots of beautiful mountain pastures, but he also shows us the harsh realities of farming in unflinching close up.
Veteran actor Serrault and rising newcomer Seigner (last seen in a very different role as the working-class mother in "Betty Fisher and Other Stories") pitch their performances perfectly, skilfully underplaying to match Carion's understated direction. As a result, their characters' evolving, surrogate father-daughter relationship is believable and touching.
After seeing "The Girl from Paris", viewers may well feel the desire to jump on a plane and move to the Rhone-Alpes. But unless you're are made of stern stuff, you'll soon be scurrying back to Blighty. In French with English subtitles.
What is life? Mercy 慈悲/ Wisdom智慧 /Courage 勇氣 What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Is there a God or isn’t there, and if there is a God, what is its nature? Of all the world’s religions, which one is the most correct? Is there an afterlife? Are we primarily physical beings or spiritual beings?
I. What did you learn from it? What is the life points in the movie?
II. Can you exemplify such a touching movie by your practical lives?

2009年3月4日 星期三

Runway Incursion 飛機進場對話

Aviation English in ESP

I. A second hotspot is taxiway E as we approach from taxiway C en route to runway 22R. The signage is confusing, and a blast fence blocks the view of the end the runway. Aircraft taxiing to 22R via C often turn too soon and end up on taxiway E. This can mean a very long taxi behind 22R.
II. A second problem area is taxiway Z crossing runway 13R/ 31 R. A right turn is required when crossing 13R to taxiway Z on the opposite side. There are two taxi lines learning across. If you follow the wrong one, you could end up with a conflict with arrival traffic on runway 14R. in this situation, advise ATC immediately and get off the runway as quickly as possible.
III. A third area of concern is using Juliet to transition form A to B south-eastbound. Aircraft outbound from K and KK may sometimes be issued the instruction “Taxi left A. At J, transition to B." It’s very important note to miss the turn onto B, because J leads across runway 22R.

IV. Runway Incursion Presentation